
By DataAnalytics

Merriam-Webster’s Definition of FORWARD:

1a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart b : situated in advance

2a : strongly inclined : ready b : lacking modesty or reserve : brash

3: notably advanced or developed : precocious

4: moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front; also : moving toward an opponent’s goal

5a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress b : extreme, radical

6: of, relating to, or getting ready for the future <forward buying of produce>
— for·ward·ly adverb
— for·ward·ness noun

Looking closely at definition number 5a, its meaning becomes particular interesting in certain contexts and uses of the word- Forward.

For example one could easily sight the apparent radical financial actions of the U.S. government
and its agencies over the past 12 to 13 years that had been steadily gaining momentum and now, rapidly accelerating during this particular administration.

As well as the extreme ideologies of both the republican and democratic parties, which has manifested itself in the form of massive and unchecked corporate pandering and financial welfare being handed out to large investment banks, large corporations, along with the continuing erosion of personal freedoms of the American citizen. As they had (the U.S. government) stated, their goal was to “fundamentally transform America” and indeed, seem to have succeeded.

Definition 6, states; -get ready for the future, and in the case of the U.S. economy and the
immediate and mid-term future, it speaks more to the ‘get ready’ verbiage described. What it
does imply, is that the majority of United States citizens should be ‘getting ready’ for a future of a depressed economy, enormous fiscal/capital debt and monetary inflation, that well may last for a decade or possibly longer.

Now that we have established the various definitions of Forward, let’s examine the roots of the slogan “Forward” as a bureaucratic advertising catch-phrase.

The use of the word in the political realm is nothing new. In fact it dates back to the late 1800’s in the former Social Democratic Party of Germany. (which was an early Marxist-Based party platform)

Forward, or the German version, Vorwärts! Was a  daily newspaper published originally in Leipzig from 1876 to 1878 and then again in Berlin from 1891 to 1933. Vorwärts! was the voice of the European Marxist-Socialist movement and ideology, before being outlawed and crushed by the so-called Fascists of the Nazi Party (also a Socialist ideology itself, just that it was a Right-Wing movement rather than a Left-Wing movement)

Subsequently, during the reign of Nazi totalitarianism, Vorwärts! Vorwärts! (Forward! Forward!) was the Hitler-Youth marching song designed to rally and unite the German people with national fervor from the emerging youth.

Forward, was also utilized by the Soviet’s in the early 1900’s.  Translated from its Russian Marxist-Socialist political use, the term Vperedwas the first Bolshevik weekly newspaper, published in Geneva from Dec. 22, 1904 to May 5, 1905.

The name of the newspaper was suggested by then future Soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin.
Vpered was also a radical and extreme Marxist organization within the Russian Social Democratic Party, from 1909 – 1912. The slogan and context of Forward in political propaganda terms was also heavily touted and used in the Post WWII GDR/DDR and Soviet Union.

In more modern times, the European and North American Socialists define Forward
as “The way forward for anti-capitalism.” The caveat though, is that the U.S. government is not outwardly anti-capitalist, but they are without question, pro-corporatist. On the surface it would
seem that they are champions of free-markets, but when you dig deep enough below that surface
the evidence reveals a completely different and alarming truth.

In essence, a Corporatist platform of capitalism, is really nothing more than a form of Market-Socialism. When one considers what the government has done with tax-payer money or ‘printed’ currency, to “Bail-Out” dozens upon dozens of supposedly free-market owned companies.

The list is lengthy to print, but anyone who is able to search the internet thoroughly, can find the long list of companies and corporations the U.S. government has ‘loaned’ tax-payer money to. Although these so-called loans were nothing more than ownership stakes in said entities.  Thereby creating partially and loosely owned/controlled economies- which is one of the tenets of Market Socialism.

We will continue our look and discussion of Forward in Part II

Collusion between Government and Corporate Banks

By DataAnalytics - (Video via Bill Moyers Show)

“There’s no clearer example of the collusion between government
and finance than the deal that created Citigroup in the first place.”

Bill Moyers talks with former Citigroup Chairman John Reed to explore
how the mid-90’s merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group – and a friendly
Presidential pen (one Bill Clinton), brought down the Glass-Steagall Act.

While there were many people of power and influence involved, there
were three main players who were key in enabling the death of Glass-Steagall
were Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan, Republican Senator, Phil Gramm
and Democratic Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin.
(who was also former co-chair of Goldman Sachs)

All were heavily ‘pressed’ (and probably compensated) by Sandy Weill, head of
the investment bank and insurance company Travelers Group.
(Travelers merged with Citibank to form Citigroup)

In the prior weeks leading up to the repeal of Glass-Steagall, Rubin resigned his
government post to join Citigroup’s board, the very financial giant made possible
by the subsequent Glass-Steagall Act’s elimination.

While the darling of the media and the left-wing, former president Bill Clinton,
willingly and knowingly signed the bill eliminating Glass-Steagall. On the
April 1998 night before the signing, Weill stated:
“The President (Clinton) was in fact told last evening about what was going to happen.”

So, those who think or refuse to believe that Clinton was unaware or had no part
in the what was to be the creation of “Too Big to Fail” are dead wrong or just plain ignorant.

Among the legislation’s many detractors, was Senator, Byron Dorgan.
“We are with this piece of legislation moving towards greater risk.
We are almost certainly moving towards substantial new concentration
and mergers in the financial services industry, that is almost certainly not
in the interest of consumers.”

Senator Dorgan stated that in ten years we will look back and regret what was
enacted and sure enough in 2008, exactly ten years later, he was dead-on right.

What is without a doubt most apparent, is the full cooperation and collusion between
major players in BOTH political parties. As we have been stating for years, the majority of Republicans and Democrats are corrupt, deceitful and only looking to advance their
careers and fatten their wallets on the backs of the American tax paying public.
It’s time to start voting for alternative parties, period.

Read the full transcript here

A Planned Economy for the 1%

From   on Feb 25, 2012

Michael Hudson: All economies have a certain amount of planning,
the question is, for whom?